Canadian University Rankings 2012

If you’re looking at college options, one of the best ways to compare schools is to see how they rank on major listings. This is just part of the equation when finding the best school for you, but it can be helpful, since these college lists typically take a number of factors into account. There are lists that cover all schools from around the world, as well as more specialized lists that rank just a certain type of school or just schools in one country.

If you’re looking for a college in Canada, the best source is the list complied by Maclean’s. For nearly two decades, this list has ranked Canadian colleges in three different categories. It is considered to be the most trustworthy source of Canadian college rankings available.

Maclean’s is a weekly news magazine based in Toronto. It was founded in 1905 and publishes the Maclean’s Guide to Canadian Universities every March. The rankings are also published in the magazine. Colleges ranked in this guide fall into one of three categories: Primarily Undergraduate, Comprehensive, or Medical Doctoral. In addition, over the past few years, they’ve also ranked Canadian law schools. Since 2006, they’ve also published an annual “University Student” issue, which features surveys results from recent graduations of all of the colleges in Canada.

Canadian schools are ranked by Maclean’s accounting to factors such as student-faculty ratio, number of students who’ve won national awards, number of faculty member who’ve won national awards, research grants, resources available for students, money spent on research, scholarship availability, library collection, and reputation among peers. These and other factors are weighted according to how important Maclean’s believe them to be in the overall scope of education.

Maclean’s is not the only source that ranks Canadian colleges. The website 4 International Colleges and Universities also has a listing of colleges from this country. The unique perspective this list takes is that they rank colleges by web popularity. So, the colleges highest on the list are those that are getting the most buzz around the Internet and the most visitors to their websites.

International and North American lists also typically include at least a few Canadian schools. For example, BusinessWeek has a special category for Non-U.S. MBA Programs, for which Canadian schools are eligible and often listed. Other listings provide a more comprehensive look at all programs around the world, so as a student, it is beneficial to see which Canadian colleges made the cut, as these spots are extremely prestigious.

Looking at college rankings can give you a good start at learning which schools are considered the best in the country. However, it is most important that you feel comfortable with the educational situation, which might mean that the best school for you isn’t necessarily the one at the top of the list. This is just a start for picking your college path.

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