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Frequently Asked Questions About Online University Rankings

How are universities rankings determined?

There are many different factors that go into the various formulas for determining university ratings. Elements such as graduation rate, student to teacher ratio, newly graduated students gainfully employed, variety of degree programs, and more. Additionally, different countries use varying metrics to rank their respective universities. How American university rankings compare to international university rankings can vary significantly because of the unique factors being evaluated. Finally, there are many institutions that offer excellent online university ratings. These institutions include BusinessWeek, US News & World Report, and many more.

How is obtaining a degree from an accredited online university different than a traditional campus education?

Many students have significant concerns about pursuing a degree from an online university instead of from a brick-and-mortar school. Concerns about the quality of education and logistics are often unfounded. Understanding what exactly is different between online and traditional campuses, as well as the advantages of an online education, can help assuage some fears.

  • Very flexible schedule: One of the biggest differences between traditional and online learning is the flexibility of the schedule. Students in online classes are able to have much more flexibility when it comes to their education. Online classes will usually not have too many set meeting times, and information can be accessed throughout the day. This is beneficial for students who have other work or family commitments.
  • Lack of commute: Traditional campus learning requires students to sometimes travel significant distances in order to attend classes. Online universities make learning possible from almost anywhere. Without a commute, learning can be a lot more manageable, as travel time is eliminated.
  • Lower costs: Students learning online are often able to benefit from lower overall costs. The lack of commute can save students money on gas, parking, and other fees. Additionally, many traditional schools have fees for certain facilities on campus. Online students generally don’t have to pay such fees, since the facilities they use are online.
  • Many degree options: While traditional schools do offer many different degrees, students are often limited by what is offered in their area. Some schools offer unique degrees, and these schools may not always be easily reachable. Online schools remove this distance issue. Students can work towards degrees even if the school offering them is in a completely different part of the country.

What type of salary can someone with an online degree expect to obtain?

Anyone who obtains an advanced education should see their earning potential increase. This is no different for someone who obtains a degree from an online university. Salary variation comes into play when one considers the many different degree programs available. Generally someone who has an associate’s or bachelor’s level degree has an earning potential in the $30,000-$40,000 range. Those who have advanced degrees, such as master’s and PhDs, can see their earnings go up to as much as over $100,000. All of these are far above the average salary of someone without a post secondary degree, which is closer to $20,000.

What kinds of financial aid are available for online universities?

If a student is able to demonstrate an appropriate need, then financial aid in the form of loans, grants, and scholarships will almost always be available. Online students are no exception to this fact. Any student of an accredited university should be eligible for some financial aid. Filling out a FAFSA form is the essential first step to take on the road to obtaining additional funding for an education. Students may also benefit from a variety of unusual scholarships. For example, the Frederick and Mary F. Beckley Scholarship, is given to someone who is left handed. The Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest is awarded to a student who can do the best duck call. The amount of scholarships is limitless, and students can qualify for more than they think. To this end, research is essential to finding all the available funding opportunities.

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